I’d like to tell you a bit about me.
I too am living amidst this pandemic. Days are unsettling and worry is rampant. I am an essential employee as I direct the newscasts that keep you informed. Which means I still have to go to work. I’m also a crafter. I love to make things, I love to make things for others, and I love to make things that help others! That is who I am. Oh, did I mention I am only one person? Yup, just little ol’ me here, doing what I can.
The world changed overnight and overnight I had a thousand people asking me for help to protect themselves. I said, “Yes! Of course!” Sadly, I cannot make a thousand masks in a day. But you know what I can do? One at time. And that’s what I’m doing. Because it’s all I can do. And that is enough.
Still, I realize there is a severely desperate need today! So I have recruited some amazing and most importantly caring people to start helping make masks. They are eager and excited. And I am so proud of them for stepping up. Their training has begun and we are in the process of moving forward.
Yet another thing this pandemic threw at all of us, shortages of supplies and shipping delays worldwide. I have taken your orders into account and ordered enough supplies to fulfill all of your requests. It turns out, that a lot of other people had the same idea too. Processing times by even larger companies is taking longer than usual, simply due to the demand.
In this time of fear and urgency, we are all being forced to learn patience. I want you all to stay as safe as possible, if you must go out, please use a scarf or a bandanna until your mask arrives.
My masks are built with time, care, quality materials and they are designed to endure. Rest assured that I am literally doing everything I can to get your mask to you as quickly as possible.
Thank you all for your kind words of support and encouragement. We all have to find ways to build one another up to continue moving forward. I appreciate all of you.