Thank you for participating in the juried Arts & Gifts Show, featuring all types of artists, crafters, makers, bakers, and sellers!
Please note that the event host will determine each vendor’s booth location in the exhibition hall. All items and displays must be appropriate for all ages and are subject to the event host’s final approval.
It is important that vendors have a representative present at their booth for the entire duration of the show. Vendors, staff, and volunteers are expected to conduct themselves respectfully and professionally.
Early dismantling of the booths is strictly prohibited. To ensure that vendors remain until the end, a $50 Early Tear-Down Deposit has been imposed. The event host will refund the deposit to vendors who remain fully set up from the show’s start to finish. Vendors must be present to receive the deposit refund, as it will not be issued after the final day of the show. Failure to show up or set up for the event will result in the forfeiture of the deposit return.
Please be aware that while the Grand Sierra Resort and Over Your Heart provide security, they cannot be held liable for any lost or stolen items. Vendors are solely responsible for any damages that may occur at their booth.
It is also the vendor’s responsibility to ensure their content does not infringe on copyright laws.
All vendors planning to sell at the event must either have a Reno Business License or obtain a Temporary
License from the event organizer. If a vendor participates in more than two shows per year, they must have a
Nevada Tax ID. Additionally, food vendors are required to have all necessary food permits. All vendors should
bring their licenses and permits with them to the show.
Remittance of sales tax is due at the show’s end to the host for transfer to the Nevada Department of Taxation.
Lastly, please note that all fees are non-refundable and are due prior
to the start of the show.
Keep an eye out for some fantastic upcoming advertisements.
A “vendor” herein is anyone registering under a business name. The “event host” is Over Your Heart
and its staff, with Melissa Duran as the executive.